Dental And Facial Clinic

Gum Disease Treatment

What is Gum Disease?

Gum disease can affect up to 50% of the population! Gum disease can be caused by multiple factors such as smoking, poor oral hygiene, diabetes, some medications, stress, genetics and vitamin D levels. You might notice:

  • Swollen, bleeding or shrinking gums
  • Sensitive teeth
  • Bad breath that doesn’t go away
  • Pus around your gums
  • Wobbly teeth.

Over time if left untreated , this may lead to discomfort and pain on eating or eventual tooth loss, making replacing these missing teeth more challenging.

Do I need Gum Disease Treatment in Ryde?

Our dentists at Dental & Facial Clinic will regularly check your gums during your check up appointments and show you how to maintain your gum and dental health. We will advise you of any issues and how to manage this.

how much is Gum Disease Treatment in Ryde?

Regular attendance and professional scaling helps us monitor your gum health and prevent the need for gum disease treatment. If your dentist advises you that you require gum disease treatment, the cost is dependent on the severity of the case. At Dental & Facial Clinic, we offer payment plans to make it possible for you to afford the best possible care for your teeth.

Ready to book your appointment?

Don’t wait until your gums gets worse. Schedule your appointment today at Dental & Facial Clinic.

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